In this world where violence is seen as a means to achieve peace, author George W. Wolfe presents a much-needed alternative—The Spiritual Power of Nonviolence. In this book, the author examines religion, activism, and theories relevant to nonviolence from an interfaith perspective.

"If you could imagine the enjoyment of sitting down with a widely read person who has an amazing ability to make connections among disparate thinkers, someone with a clear and strong conviction about violence, then you are in for a treat.  That is who George Wolfe is, and that is what he has done in his book The Spiritual Power of Nonviolence: Interfaith Understanding for a Future without War. . . . In a world that quickly ratchets up hostilities and hastily entertains wars and suicide strategies for success, his book presents an important option for the reader."

The Rt. Rev. William E. Swing
Episcopal bishop of California (retired)
President, United Religions Initiative

"Truly an enlightening book."

Judy O'Bannon,
Former first lady of Indiana

Book cover design by Alfredo Marin-Carle